What are the User Roles available in Gleeca?
There are 7 user roles available on the Gleeca platform. As a Restaurant owner, you shall create and assign the following user roles
- Restaurant Admin
- Waiter/Captain
- Biller
- Cashier
- Biller + Cashier (Single Window Operator)
- Chef (Coming soon)
- Own Delivery Valet (Coming soon)
Restaurant Admin Role Functions:
Restaurant Admin should typically be your restaurant manager. Restaurant admin shall create and manage other roles such as Waiter, biller, cashier, Biller+Cashier, Kitchen Admin, and Own Delivery Valet, but they cannot create another admin. They can perform actions of all user roles.
Restaurant admin shall offer ticketing support to their customers and also avail support from Gleeca.
Waiter/Captain Role Functions:
Waiter/Captain Role shall take orders digitally, record serving food, complete orders & generate bills automatically, etc. This role is applicable only for Dine-in management scenarios (QR Code based digital orders, Table-based customer orders, Table-based admin orders)
Biller Role Functions:
Biller shall use POS to generate bills for dine-in and takeaway scenarios.
Cashier Role Functions:
Cashiers can accept payments in scenarios such as Dine-in, Takeaway, and Online Pickup where the cash-on pickup method is used.
Biller + Cashier Role Functions: (Single Window Operators)
Single window operators shall create bills and accept payments for all eligible scenarios.
Kitchen Admin Role Functions: (coming soon)
The kitchen admin can read order information using the printer (Hard copy) or display system. They can acknowledge once food items are cooked only if the kitchen display system is enabled and send automatic notifications to the waiter or initiate dispatch directly from the kitchen.
Own Delivery Valet Role Functions: (Coming soon)
The delivery valet will get order information only related to Online Food Delivery orders. They will be able to update the delivery status (Cooking in Progress, Order on the way, Delivered, etc.), to the customer by login into their account.